
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So Far, So Good

A few days before the New Year, the Corolla and I attempted a quick trip down to Phoenix. J. needed to picked up from the airport and I had the luxury of working from home due to inclimate weather. An hour into my trip I was 20 miles outside of Flagstaff and stuck in bumper to bumper traffic in the middle of the blizzard. Apparently the semi ahead of me wasn't aware that one must travel safely in bad weather and decided to jack-knife to make us all enjoy our 7 hour one-on-one time with I-17.

Needless to say Avery, the Corolla and I were not prepared to hangout on the highway in the freezing cold snow. Scared out of my mind I turned my car off to save gas, cleaned off my windows every 30 minutes and charged my phone when the engine was on. Avery had the grueling task of sleeping.

At the end of hour 7 the traffic started to move at the thrilling speed of 10 mph, fine with me. Equipped with my white knuckles, body leaning forward with my eyes on the road and trying not to look at all the cars that had driven into the ditch, I made it to Phoenix in a little over 8 hours. Worst day-time of my life.

Benefit: That evening while tucked safely away at my former UofA Wildcat brothers house, my OSU COWBOYS showed his team what the Alamo bowl is all about.

What a way to end 2010.

2011 on the other hand is decent. The lack of sleep and stress caught up with my New Years eve when I convinced J. to spend the night in....we were asleep at 11:58. (Dont worry I woke up at 12:01 for my first smooch of the New Year.

The only thing exciting in the 4 days of 2011, has been my mothers "29th" birthday. She had a great day and I surprised her with dinner with all her friends and family. I love the feeling of making her happy, seeing her genuine smile is so few and far between. She has proven to me that no matter what happens in your life you can keep your head on strait. Bad luck doesn't always have to make your life horrible.

Here's to 2011...to making other people happy and staying inside during bad snow storms!

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