
Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have a theory

If you have read the title of the blog then you are aware of today's rant.

I have a theory...

I believe that everything in life stems off of another and eventually comes full circle. Example, I believe that without money I am unable to eat healthy. Without the ability to eat healthy I am having a hard time loosing weight. I am having a hard time loosing weight because I am to damn lazy to stick to a legitimate workout plan. I cant stick to a workout plan because I can find NO motivation in life. I cant find motivation in life due to the constant rejection from every company EVER for employment. I cant find employment because of the economy and my lack of "real world experience". I have no "real world experience" because corporate America is pinching pennies and would rather employ someone with a masters (who woulda thought?). I don't have a masters yet because I have no way of funding the expensive needed piece of paper. And all the sudden were back to how I have no MONEY.

I could take this a step further into my relationships....saying that I believe I haven't found "Happily ever after" because of my weight. The weight that wont come off unless I find motivation, money and the happiness I am searching for. However I honestly am not looking for this yet, it just fits into the equation and can be removed when necessary.

Solution to the theory. SOMEONE hire me, SOMEONE take a chance on me (and be proven right), SOMEONE make it easier for me to complete all the above complaints. Ya, let me throw a penny into that wishing well.

Excuses Excuses. I Know. But honestly the $2.00 box of Top Roman is a lot easier on the unemployed versus the $13.50 box of organic rice pasta and dairy/gluten free sauce......just saying.

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