Love. Seriously. What in the hell is this? A feeling that when happy can make you sick to your stomach? When sad/mad can make you sick to your stomach.....sounds great. Sounds like something totally worth living for. Right. Yes I might be a tad cynical. I do honestly think that love is fabulous and should be shared. But I also think that love....= Bullshit. I think it messes with our minds until we drive ourselves crazy. It makes us have warped thoughts and feelings. Feelings that make you say and do things you WOULD NEVER do in a clear state of mind. But inst that what we sign up for. The moment you look at someone, (whether it be a romantic or platonic relationship) in that moment, you sign your heart away. You sign your mental stability and your functionality. What if we didn't have love. Would we all just be happy without ever feeling any overwhelming emotion? Its not that I am anti-love or am going to turn into an emotionless zombie. I just wish there was some sort of saneness. I guess then it wouldn't be real love. On a note of my health...which I think is somewhat related to the bullshit above... I have decided that my going on "walks" isnt challanging me enough. While I praise myself for getting up and being active. I also think that without breaking a sweat and doubling over, the workout doesnt really count. Its like me saying yes I am going to cook a home made cake tonight...and then whipping out the Betty Crocker box. Faking it.... New goal: push myself during my workouts. Note to self: try making an organic cake from scratch :)
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