Having now slept on the thought of writing this nonsense I am still up for the difficult task of exposing my hidden thoughts. So let me start by saying today I am planning on a walk...I have had my morning granola and it couldn't look easier. Its still morning. HAHA.
I always say that if I was born allergic to chocolate or I just flat out hated it. I would be sooo much thinner. But then if you really think about it. If you hate one thing you are bound to LOVE another correct? So I would probably have a passionate love affair with carrot cake rather than a delicious Reeses cup. Maybe I should drop the creative descriptive words about the food that should not be consumed. Makes my mouth water.
Instead I am forced to consider an Red Delicious apple as my "treat" for the morning. By cutting it up I can make it last longer. I wonder what trick can make it taste like a hunk of dark chocolate?
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