Now that you have read the title of this blog let me assure you, this is completely sarcastic.
Although I am thankful for the things that I am about to complain about, it doesn't mean they couldn't have thrown me up a yield sign every now and then.
Thank you mom and dad....
Without you I wouldn't have made it to college. Not like the option to do anything else after high school was ever there. But never the less my appreciation for the constant drilling of "must receive your education" is still solid. Not only did I attend college I managed to move out of state to do so. helping increase the semesterly bursar bill that haunted me until paid but also allowing me to have no other option but to work and attend school full time. (Ya ya ya....this instilled a good work ethic and responsibility). However I would have been just fine working a few nights and increasing my under/over age alcohol intake. Not saying that I didnt find my time to partake in the traditional Connors backroading or Stillwater "Strip". But the college experience could have been prolonged with skipped classes, sleeping in and the occasional all nighter. Instead the big kid in me was screaming, " get out, MAKE MONEY". Right. So thank you mom and dad for the support and encouragement to end my lazy undergraduate career in 3 1/2years.

Thank you mom and dad for always treating me like the mature child that can handle responsibility. Because of the constant after school activity, jobs and organizations I have been shoved into since the age of 5, I am now unable to be content in life unless I am stressed to the point of breakdown. If the OCD in me doesn't have her "To-Do" list and full calender I cant seem to break a smile. But thank goodness I was able to juggle 4-H, FFA, 2 jobs, clubs in school, friends, family, and worrying about my future. Without that, I might be able to function on a minimal level....who wants relaxation anyway?
Not to be dramatic but the divorce at the age of 14 helped me in my future relationships. So thank you for instilling in me the constant over analyzing of such relationships with friends or possible heart breakers. I am now able to consider the option of insecurity and vulnerability. Not only does this set these "commitments" up for possible failure but it makes sure that I think every detail needs to be spoken outloud and accompanied by mascara covered Kleenex. Gracias.
Also. Thank you mom and dad for allowing me to have things I wanted without the spoiling aspect. Because of your strong will, I am now able to not only sometimes make purchases but also want to make more. Having the knowledge of nice things, style and comfort not only makes me want to have those things but it can bring out the irresponsible debit card complete with its "consequences later" pin number.
I honestly do appreciate the embossed pieces of paper that are currently hanging in my office.Which are at the job that shuts out the possibility of seeing my boyfriend more then once a week. However spending more then half the paycheck from this job on the 3 1/2 years of "hard work in school" makes it difficult to convey my deep appreciation for the values you instilled in me.
So thank you for making me a hard-working,over-thinking,stressed mess of a 24 year old. I really do appreciate it.
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